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For Founders

Stand out in front of investors. Share your story across multiple mediums in a single secure tracked link.

Rated 4.9/5 from over 600+ reviews.

What's in store for you

How SalesMonk becomes the best tool in your kit.
Custom Links
Customize links for each investor, while having your brand shine
Secure Access Controls
Control who sees your stories with email verification, email and domain whitelists/blacklists and more
Real-time Analytics
Get instant updates on when an investor sees your content, and for how long, with email notifications
Not just a boring deck
Get investors more engaged with Notion docs, Loom videos, Figma prototypes and crisp memos
No Stale Content
Keep updating your content even after you send it out the link - your investors shouldn’t be looking at that deck from months ago.
Story Templates
Customize links for each investor, while having your brand shine.

Got questions?
We have got answers

Why should I send Stories instead of Docsend links?
Docsend is good for tracking analytics on a PDF.  Stories are great at showcasing multiple types of content and tracking analytics across all of that content from one link. You can use formats that you’re familiar with and convey your message better, like Notion. Investors love Stories because everything is in one place and updated in realtime throughout the fundraise process.
Why is this better than emails with attachments?
A lot of reasons:

1. Emails and attachments go stale. Stories can be updated in real-time without any involvement from your recipient

2. They’re not easily share- able. Giving the right context in long mail threads, attachments going missing because of a reply instead of a forward end up creating a mess.

3. They don’t give you instant, deep insights. When you send a Story, it's the one place you can use as a central destination for your materials. You know who opens it, when, and for how long, making it simple to figure out who’s really paying attention.

4. They’re not secure. Emails don’t have any restrictions on forwarding. Stories can be locked down to specific emails or domains whitelists or blacklists, with passcodes, or email gates.
What kind of insights am I going to get?
1. Who opens it - Discover who you send it to and who else gets invited to view it
2. When is it opened - Get instant email alerts
3. How long did they see what - how engaged were they with a specific slide in your deck, how much time did they spend on each step
Who has access to my Stories?
It’s up to you. You can choose to add different levels of security within each Story - requiring a verified email, being email and domain whitelist, not being on the blacklist.
Can I add in my own notes in Stories?
Yes! We’ve got a Notion-inspired editor that lets you add in formatted text, images, links and more. You can write out something small like meeting notes or make a larger comprehensive document as well. If you have something written out already in Notion, Google Docs or similar you can embed that directly too.
Why should I send Stories instead of Docsend links?
Why is this better than emails with attachments?
What kind of insights am I going to get?
Who has access to my Stories?
Can I add in my own notes?

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